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Academic CV

Professional Experience

Lecturer in International Relations

Department of Politics

University of Liverpool

September 2021 -

Fellow of Political Science and Public Policy
School of Public Policy
The London School of Economics and Political Science

September 2019 - August 2021

Fellow of Comparative Politics
Department of Government
The London School of Economics and Political Science

September 2017 - August 2019

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Carnegie Endowment/University of Alaska-Anchorage

September 2016 - August 2017

Instructor/Head Instructor                                                 
University of California, Berkeley

August 2008 - May 2015

Affiliated Researcher
Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR)
Kampala, Uganda

January - June 2013

Project Manager: Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP)
University of California, Berkeley

August 2009 - December 2014

Expert Coder/Consultant
International Peace Institute (IPI), New York City

May 2009 - August 2010

Research Associate
Independence Institute
Denver, CO, USA

June - August 2005



December 2015

PhD, Political Science
University of California, Berkeley

Thesis: Rebels with a Cause: Negotiated settlements, power sharing and the logic of pre-emptive defection

Committee: Leonardo R. Arriola (Chair), Jason Wittenberg, Aila Matanock, Ann Swidler

May 2008

MA, Political Science

University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation: “Colonial Legacies and Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa"
Supervisor: Leonardo R. Arriola

August 2003 - May 2007

BA, International Affairs

Cornell University

Honours (Cum Laude) and Distinction in All Subjects
Thesis: “The Future of Foreign Aid to Africa: Toward a New Paradigm Through HIV/AIDS Relief Organizations
Supervisor: Nicolas van de Walle


Invited Talks and Conference Presentations

"Better Together: Rebel mergers in intra-state conflict"

Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Los Angeles, CA

31 August 2023

"Policy challenges in weak and transitioning states"

Guest lecture series at the School of Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

January - April 2023

"Process Tracing Techniques: Innovations to systematise qualitative research methods"

Methods Northwest Online Training Sessions, University of Manchester

21 December 2021

“Conditioning and Cutting off Foreign Aid in Post-Conflict Contexts.” Virtual workshop on Foreign Aid Withdrawals and Suspensions: Why, when, and are they effective? (Yale University/Univ of Birmingham)

24 May 2021

“Causal pathways of Rebel Defection from Negotiated Settlements: A theory of Strategic Alliances”
University of Oslo, Comparative Institutions and Regimes seminar series

25 September 2020

“Negotiating Peace and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa”
London School of Economics, MSc Programme in International Strategy and Diplomacy

10 December 2019

“Post-conflict Power Sharing: Effects on vertical and horizontal accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa.”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Washington, DC

1 September 2019

“Who defects? New insights on rebel splintering, alliances, and conflict recurrence.”
Department of Government Colloquium, London School of Economics

26 May 2019

"Post-Conflict Democratization in Africa”
Francis Holland Sixth Form, London, UK

6 December 2018

“Barriers to all-inclusive peace processes: Structure, strategy, or signalling?”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, MA

2 September 2018

“Corruption in conflict zones and its effects on state-building efforts”
Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Summer Program in London

2 August 2018

“Better Together? Examining the utility of all-inclusive peace agreements with evidence from Uganda and DR Congo.”
London School of Economics, African Political Economy Group

25 January 2018

“Power Sharing, Conflict Resolution, and the Logic of Pre-emptive Defection.”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), San Francisco, CA

2 September 2017

“Splintering and Spoilers in Peace Processes: Lessons from the rise of the Lord’s Resistance Army.”
African Studies Colloquium, University of California, Berkeley

29 August 2017

“Inclusive power sharing and multidimensional conflicts.”
Annual meeting of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois

19 April 2015

“Patterns of Defection in Peace Processes”                                                 
Monday International Relations Thought Series, University of California, Berkeley

13 April 2015

“Inclusive Settlements, Power Sharing and Conflict Resolution”          
Working Group on African Political Economy (WGAPE), Washington University, Seattle, Washington

9 January 2015

“Power sharing in Uganda: Trends, Lessons, and Remaining Challenges”  Makerere Institute for Social Research (MISR), Kampala, Uganda

1 December 2013

“Power sharing in post-conflict societies: The case of Uganda”
Institute on Peace and Conflict Studies, Olympia Summer Academy, Olympia, Greece

14 July 2013

“Insurgents, Institutions and Post-conflict Elections”
Cal-APSA Conference, University of California, Los Angeles

6 October 2012

“Institutions and Violence in Post-conflict Elections.”
Symposium on Elections, Accountability and Democratic Governance in Africa, Institute for African Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

21 April 2012

“Election Violence in Democratizing States”
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Seattle, Washington

4 September 2011


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